Friday 9 October 2009

Marge Simpson to star in Playboy

Marge Simpson is reportedly set to flash the yellow flesh in next month's Playboy magazine.

Rumours of the cartoon matriarch's saucy shoot have circulated since Hugh Hefner tweeted of a "surprise" for fans of the blue-haired temptress.

Now sources have confirmed to entertainment channel E! that Marge will feature in a three-page pictorial complete with a front page shot.

November's Playboy special comes as The Simpsons celebrate their 20th anniversary.

There is no indication yet as to just how much Marge is set to reveal.

But if popular, it could leave the door open for other cartoon cuties to follow suit.

Betty Rubble, Penelope Pitstop and Scooby-Doo's Daphne were unavailable for comment.

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